Hospice day care centre

Hospice Day Care Centres were created to provide support to patients who are in need of palliative care and whose functionality in terms of mobility is preserved.

Day care center services are completely free for patients and are available to anyone over 18 years of age. Day care center services include:

– psychosocial support and conversation with a social worker

– work and occupational therapy

– giving advice regarding the health care plan

– physiotherapy

– spiritual support regardless of religious affiliation

– caregiver services in the form of hygienic treatment of hair washing and bathing

The goal of the service is to improve the well-being of cancer patients, improve the quality of life, reduce social isolation and preserve dignity.

Our team consists of: social workers, a psychologist, caregivers, a nurse, and, if necessary, a doctor. We provide free transportation and a meal to users with limited mobility and semi-mobility if they stay longer than four hours in the premises of the day care center.

The services of the hospice day care center are the first such service in Serbia.

Activities at the day care center are tailored to your wishes, interests and needs, whether it is advice on the treatment of symptoms of the disease, physical therapy or activities that include music therapy, sociotherapy, occupational therapy, painting, writing workshops that stimulate creativity and creation that favor affect the emotional state of patients.

At the day care center you have the opportunity to meet other users who are in a similar situation as you, in a safe and supportive environment. This exchange of experiences is very important, as well as the feeling that you are not alone in your illness, it helps you to cope more easily with the disease and the burden it carries.

Through the planned activities of the social worker, and in agreement with the medical part of the team, our users have the opportunity to visit museums, attend organized trips to nature, which displaces them from the everyday life of the disease and shifts the focus to live fully within the limits imposed by their disease.

In addition to taking care of the health condition, an important aspect is also taking care of preserving the social and spiritual condition, which is an important aspect of palliative care.

An important aspect of the work of the day center is based on providing adequate psychosocial support to the families of sick members.

It often happens that members of the sick patient have a harder time coping with the disease than the patient himself, which reduces their functionality and adequate participation in the patient’s life.

Through individual conversations, and often through family meetings, our psychosocial team helps all members in the process of accepting the disease, helps with the reorganization of family life and setting priorities and the structure of the day.

This type of support is extremely important, because by accepting the disease, the entire family system relaxes and new functional strategies are created for everyday life.

It is important to emphasize that the family members who directly care for the patient have the opportunity to rest and rest during their stay in the day care center and thus continue to provide better quality support and care at home.

Experience shows that patients who use the services of the day center take up new hobbies and interests, become more positive in their views, and as a result have less pronounced symptoms of the disease.

Patients and family members can contact BELhospice for help in the Day Care Center by phone: +381 11 33 43 311; to the e-mail address: office@belhospice.org or to visit the BELhospice center with a previously scheduled appointment.