od strane BELHospice | maj 31, 2017 | Workshop
Remembrance Day Workshop was held at BELhospice centre on Tuesday, May 30th 2017. The workshop provides professional, psychological support to family members of our deceased patients. Support in the period of grieving is a constituent part of palliative care, a...
od strane BELHospice | apr 13, 2017 | Workshop
On the occasion of the forthcoming Easter celebration, on the 12th of April, 2017, a traditional workshop for patients was organized at the premises of the BELhospice Center. BELhospice Center staff together with volunteers and patients, had the opportunity to express... od strane BELHospice | mar 1, 2017 | Education, Workshop
In palliative care the patient and their family are the focus of care. Each and especially severe and incurable disease affects not only the patient, but also the family members and people from the patient’s environment who are close to them. That’s why an...
od strane BELHospice | dec 24, 2016 | Workshop
Bereavement support of family members is an integral part of palliative care. On 23rd December, workshop Remembrance Day was held at BELhospice centre with an aim to provide professional psychological support to family members of deceased BELhospice patients....
od strane BELHospice | dec 23, 2016 | Volunteers, Workshop
A New Year’s Workshop was held on December 22nd 2016 on the premises of the BELhospice center to celebrate the coming New Year and Christmas holidays. BELhospice center employees together with the volunteers and patients had the opportunity to express their...
od strane BELHospice | maj 26, 2016 | Workshop
On Wednesday 25th May 2016, Bereavement Workshop ˝Rememberance Day˝ was held at BELhospice centre. Aim of the workshop was to provide psychological support to bereaved family members of our deceased patients. Providing the support during the bereavement period is an...